Niagara Windriders Newsletter

The Official Newsletter of the Niagara Windriders Kitefliers Association, Niagara Region, Ontario, Canada

Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Vol.2-04: Kiting News: AKA Convention Highlights!

The 27th annual American Kitefliers Association Convention is being held in Seaside Oregon this week (Oct. 11-16, 2004). This is the third time the convention has been held on the beautiful beaches of Oregon.

KiteLife E-zine is providing daily coverage of the events in picture and text essays. To view these stories and keep up with the news from kiting's largest gathering of dedicated kite flyers, just go to the KiteLife web site and click on the picture link to the daily stories. It makes fascinating reading.

Ontario flyers in attendance include Dr. Merv Cooper and Lam Hoac of Toronto Kitefliers and Vaino Raun of our club, the Niagara Windriders. Likely Vaino will post some of his own pictures on return and we will keep you advised of that.

Brief reminder: The final Club Fly of the 2004 season will be held at H.H. Knoll - Lakeview Park in Port Colborne on Sunday, October 31st. A newsletter with details and other kiting information will be emailed around October 23rd.

. . . Bob