Welcome to the first post of the NWKA 2007 season. I am the new editor, Jim Anes. I volunteered to help Bob White out with the newsletter. Our first event of the season was a kite making workshop on March 25, 2007. There were 27 enthusiastic Kiters present, 21 of whom built a Roller Kite. Clubs in attendance included NWKA, Toronto Kite Fliers, Royal City Fun Flyers, Renegade Strings Kite Club, Great Lakes Kitefliers Society as well as Tom and Emilie (from France) members of the University of Buffalo Kite Team. We started gathering before 10:00 and enjoyed coffee and donuts. Shortly after 10:00 Bob introduced the day's project, a Roller Kite.

Bob gave a brief history of the roller and then the first set of instructions were explained. Everyone got busy cutting the main parts of the sails. Sewing machines started, ideas were shared, kiters mingled and helped those who needed it. I was near the back, and at around 11:30 the lunch was starting to smell really good. Stephanie Bowes set up a delicious hot roast beef sandwich spread with cut veggies and fruit.

After everyone had some lunch, Bob explained the next steps for attaching the sails together and how to attach the pockets for the spars. Kites were starting to take shape. At about 3:00 everyone was putting the finishing touches on the Rollers.
After the cleanup, everyone showed off there creations.There were even some die hards that couldn't wait to try the newest kite in their collection out.
All in all, a very successful day. Let's hope for sunny skies, a good wind and lots of kiters out for the monthly kite fly on April 29 at HH Knowl Park, Noon to 4:30.
Special thanks to Stephanie for organizing and setting up the lunch, Mary Kort for registration duties, Drew for helping during the day, Doug Isherwood for some of the photos and Bob for assembling all the kits.
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