September - A Gray and Gloomy Day
September's monthly fly turned out to be a very cloudy, gray day. Despite that, there were about 25 brave kiters that came out to try to get kites in the air. The wind was from the north at 6 to 8 kph which meant the wind was off the trees at the north end of the field. much the same as the beginning of Canal Days. Unlike Canal Days, the wind didn't shift. There was even a time when I felt a slight rain, making me pack up the single line butterfly I had staked when I arrived. 
Above is a sled delta with the comedy/tragidy faces made by Dennis Ische.
Terry and Tyrone with one of the new additions from a newly opened toy store in Port Colborne.

Russell and his grandson, enjoying the afternoon.

Rowan flying his Big Buka.

Fred and Donna getting ready to fly a patriotic Rev.

Here's Fred and Donna showing the newly renovated Niagara Windriders Rokkaku.

Bob and his monster kite from Costco.

Chatting and catching up on the month's goings on.

Bob Luft flying one of his many home made kites.

At 3:00 o'clock we had the prize draw and here are the results:
Rowan won a line winder. Andy and his wife won a kite bag and a sand anchor. Paul won a NWKA coffee mug, and Russell won a a spool of kite line. Congratulations.
Thanks to Doug Isherwood for sending me a few of the above pictures.
I don't know how many of you know that if you click on any picture, you will get a larger version displayed. (hit your "back" button to reurn to the post)
Well, next fly is on October 26th. This is the last fly of the year and is also the annual Halloween Fly. Come dressed up and fly your scariest kite! We'll also have hot cider and I'm told hot dogs, I think to help keep us warm. I hope to see everyone out in costume. See you then!

Above is a sled delta with the comedy/tragidy faces made by Dennis Ische.
Terry and Tyrone with one of the new additions from a newly opened toy store in Port Colborne.

Russell and his grandson, enjoying the afternoon.

Rowan flying his Big Buka.
Fred and Donna getting ready to fly a patriotic Rev.
Here's Fred and Donna showing the newly renovated Niagara Windriders Rokkaku.
Bob and his monster kite from Costco.
Chatting and catching up on the month's goings on.
Bob Luft flying one of his many home made kites.
At 3:00 o'clock we had the prize draw and here are the results:
Rowan won a line winder. Andy and his wife won a kite bag and a sand anchor. Paul won a NWKA coffee mug, and Russell won a a spool of kite line. Congratulations.
Thanks to Doug Isherwood for sending me a few of the above pictures.
I don't know how many of you know that if you click on any picture, you will get a larger version displayed. (hit your "back" button to reurn to the post)
Well, next fly is on October 26th. This is the last fly of the year and is also the annual Halloween Fly. Come dressed up and fly your scariest kite! We'll also have hot cider and I'm told hot dogs, I think to help keep us warm. I hope to see everyone out in costume. See you then!
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