1st Club Fly of 2005 and Latest Club Kiting News!
Vol.6-2005: April 18th
1st NWKA Fly of 2005 this Sunday, April 24th:
Dust off your kites and get our your windbreaker. We fly again!
Join us at Lakeview Park for a brand new season of kiting and good fun with fellow club members. The sky will be adorned with many freshly made purple Kiskadee kites. Lots of other kite goodies will appear as well to colour the sky and ensure that Mother Nature knows that we appreciate Spring.
Our club fly this Sunday is registered with the AKA as our National Kite Month event. We are looking forward to seeing everyone - flying from noon until 4:30 p.m.
Successful Kite Workshop and AGM Held on April 17th:
An efficient general meeting handled routine business of the NWKA quickly to ensure that we used most of our time to do what we do best: build kites!
Here is a round-up of the business news:
1. Dues were approved at $5.00 per individual and $10.00 per family membership. Derrick Jeanes is now accepting membership fees. We would like to get this concluded as quickly as possible.
2. Our Treasurer's report indicates that we are in sound financial order. Many thanks to Derrick for his fine work in managing the funds.
3. Club apparrel was displayed: baseball hats, golf shirts and fleece sweaters were shown and tried on. Orders were taken. A specific email with more details will go to all members soon so that those who have not ordered can do so before we place the order. Delivery is scheduled for Sunday, May 29th at our second club fly of the season.
4. Two items will be purchased for club use:
a) Club logo hand stamp;
b) a 10 x 10 shelter (with sides) to serve as club headquarters at our home flying field and as a base for our club and visiting kiters to stay out of the sun and rain (hopefully no rain).
5. Our club will participate in the Niagara Fruit Institute's "Blossom Festival Fly" in Winona on Sunday May 15th. This is a paid event with funds going to our club projects. We will contact everyone with details on location and exact times. Five club members volunteered to fly and we hope more will be able to join in.
6. A general discussion on fund raising was held with some ideas presented to add some funds to help the club acquire a "signature large kite" which will be used at kite festivals when we join other kite clubs.
Kite Making Workshop - With Bob Luft
Bob Luft led all members present in the building of a Kiskadee kite. Bob has made many of these spritely flyers and certainly knows his stuff when it comes to building these kites. Tremendous preparation went in to having the kite kits ready. Bob even had tape widths, bridle lengths, reinforcing, spars and sails all ready for each of us so that the project was foolproof.

Everyone had a great time. It is said that a picture is worth a thousand words - so, we have an on-line slide show of Bob leading the NWKA members through the workshop. There is even a "class photo" with everyone holding their Kiskadee kite at the end.
The slide show will take about five minutes to load if you have standard dial-up Internet service, but it is well worth the wait.
Our thanks to Bob Luft for a splendid workshop!

1st NWKA Fly of 2005 this Sunday, April 24th:
Dust off your kites and get our your windbreaker. We fly again!
Join us at Lakeview Park for a brand new season of kiting and good fun with fellow club members. The sky will be adorned with many freshly made purple Kiskadee kites. Lots of other kite goodies will appear as well to colour the sky and ensure that Mother Nature knows that we appreciate Spring.
Our club fly this Sunday is registered with the AKA as our National Kite Month event. We are looking forward to seeing everyone - flying from noon until 4:30 p.m.
Successful Kite Workshop and AGM Held on April 17th:
An efficient general meeting handled routine business of the NWKA quickly to ensure that we used most of our time to do what we do best: build kites!
Here is a round-up of the business news:
1. Dues were approved at $5.00 per individual and $10.00 per family membership. Derrick Jeanes is now accepting membership fees. We would like to get this concluded as quickly as possible.
2. Our Treasurer's report indicates that we are in sound financial order. Many thanks to Derrick for his fine work in managing the funds.
3. Club apparrel was displayed: baseball hats, golf shirts and fleece sweaters were shown and tried on. Orders were taken. A specific email with more details will go to all members soon so that those who have not ordered can do so before we place the order. Delivery is scheduled for Sunday, May 29th at our second club fly of the season.
4. Two items will be purchased for club use:
a) Club logo hand stamp;
b) a 10 x 10 shelter (with sides) to serve as club headquarters at our home flying field and as a base for our club and visiting kiters to stay out of the sun and rain (hopefully no rain).
5. Our club will participate in the Niagara Fruit Institute's "Blossom Festival Fly" in Winona on Sunday May 15th. This is a paid event with funds going to our club projects. We will contact everyone with details on location and exact times. Five club members volunteered to fly and we hope more will be able to join in.
6. A general discussion on fund raising was held with some ideas presented to add some funds to help the club acquire a "signature large kite" which will be used at kite festivals when we join other kite clubs.
Kite Making Workshop - With Bob Luft
Bob Luft led all members present in the building of a Kiskadee kite. Bob has made many of these spritely flyers and certainly knows his stuff when it comes to building these kites. Tremendous preparation went in to having the kite kits ready. Bob even had tape widths, bridle lengths, reinforcing, spars and sails all ready for each of us so that the project was foolproof.

Everyone had a great time. It is said that a picture is worth a thousand words - so, we have an on-line slide show of Bob leading the NWKA members through the workshop. There is even a "class photo" with everyone holding their Kiskadee kite at the end.
The slide show will take about five minutes to load if you have standard dial-up Internet service, but it is well worth the wait.
Our thanks to Bob Luft for a splendid workshop!