Halloween Fly 2007
About 20 kiters, some strange, some normal came out to our annual October Halloween Fly. It was a crisp fall day that delivered all types of weather. It was definitely a winter coat and gloves day. Yes, we had wind, but it was from the northwest at the start and then shifted to coming from the north. This meant that we had finicky swirly winds. We also saw some sun and some rain. Luckily there was no s!*#.
The Korts set up a Coleman stove and we had HOT cider! Chris White (aka Sumo) brought some delicious baked goods. Some kiters were content to chat and catch up with friends rather than chancing getting out their kites only to reel them in if the skies opened up.
Some of the notable characters that came out to brave the weather were Thor, the Sumo wrestler, a country bumpkin, a bride, a scarecrow, a monk, a fireman and 2 princesses.
Yes, there were actually some kites in the air!

Some of the prizes that were awarded were for the cutest kiters...awarded to the Marks! I'm sure some of the female kiters would like to see Gary in next years Fireman Calender!, but the twins outshine him as princesses.

Terri & Tyrone unfortunately had to leave early, but I'm told they had made halloween based kites, and therfore won in this category.
Some of the prizes that were awarded were for the cutest kiters...awarded to the Marks! I'm sure some of the female kiters would like to see Gary in next years Fireman Calender!, but the twins outshine him as princesses.
Terri & Tyrone unfortunately had to leave early, but I'm told they had made halloween based kites, and therfore won in this category.
BUT.....The grand prize goes to Fred Taylor as the 'crossdressing bride' and receives the CREEPIEST Halloween Costume award!

Well, that's about it for 2007. Now that weather is in a downslide, we can clear out the trunks and the minivans and store the kites in a nice warm place and wait for next season. We had a great summer for flying with the lack of rain, the great winds, and good friends! The directors are planning for next year and with the 30th anniversary of Canal Days, a bigger and expanded celebration for 2008. We hope to have a kite workshop in the spring to kick off the 2008 season, but we don't have a project yet.

Well, that's about it for 2007. Now that weather is in a downslide, we can clear out the trunks and the minivans and store the kites in a nice warm place and wait for next season. We had a great summer for flying with the lack of rain, the great winds, and good friends! The directors are planning for next year and with the 30th anniversary of Canal Days, a bigger and expanded celebration for 2008. We hope to have a kite workshop in the spring to kick off the 2008 season, but we don't have a project yet.
Have a great Christmas and see you in the New Year!